FIRES – The Pitch Film Fund Finalist

It’s been a while since I have posted anything. Work has been busy; some really interesting projects have come my way, and I have had the pleasure to work with some excellent clients. But in my spare time I have been working on another project – a pitch for an animated short film, which wasContinue reading “FIRES – The Pitch Film Fund Finalist”

Animorsels, NaNoWriMo and some Drawings

Hey guys! So it has been a little while since I have added anything to this blog… well, let’s just say it’s not because I have been lazy. NaNoWriMo After a while focusing on spending each morning animating, I then turned my attention to a bit of writing; spending my early mornings doing some writingContinue reading “Animorsels, NaNoWriMo and some Drawings”

Short Story – The Gambler

Hey guys, it’s been a while since I have written anything, and I know, I have to finish The Climber story, but I have been busty with other projects. One of which is the short story below – The Gambler. It is a story about death, and what could happen beyond. I have written itContinue reading “Short Story – The Gambler”


Day 6. Another short story. May have got a bit… weird… this time. But all in the name of good clean fun! 6. Eye Contact: Write about two people seeing each other for the first time. I didn’t quite stick to the brief, but was inspired by, as I had been the other days. Enjoy.Continue reading “365 CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS – DAY 6 – HELIUM”


Now this is what I’m talking about. Short story time. Sorry, but this is a little longer than both my previous attempts put together. It’s not strictly keeping to the inspiration from 365 Creative Writing Prompts, but is definitely inspired by it. Here you go… Day 3! The Vessel: Write about a ship or other vehicleContinue reading “365 CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS – DAY 3 – The Unicorn.”


I have always been quite an active fella. Sure, my skills at a sport or a martial art were never up to scratch (I downright refused to play football during PE at school) but my preference was for the arts; drama and dance, something with a little more storytelling (though I struggle with contemporary danceContinue reading “PRODUCTION DIARY OF [CENSORED DUE TO NDA] – WEEK 2.2 – Motion Capture Fun!”

PRODUCTION DIARY OF [CENSORED DUE TO NDA] – WEEK 2.1– Some More on Cinematography, Animatics and Mocap Prep

Just throwing this out there… This Production Diary entry is gonna be less about what I did, and more pointing out a couple of techniques and other things I am aware of whilst doing the work. So probably a little less ‘funny-funny-har-har’, and more ‘hmm… I see’. But Hey! let me tell you a coupleContinue reading “PRODUCTION DIARY OF [CENSORED DUE TO NDA] – WEEK 2.1– Some More on Cinematography, Animatics and Mocap Prep”

Production Diary of [CENSORED DUE TO NDA] – Week 1 – Storyboard and Animatic

This year (well… week, really – 4 days if you want to be specific – Monday was a Bank Holiday) I have been mostly spitting out sweet storyboards, filthy and quick, for a short cinematic project that will probably only last a month at most. I wanted to keep a production diary of the process,Continue reading “Production Diary of [CENSORED DUE TO NDA] – Week 1 – Storyboard and Animatic”


Just because I promised I would put Part 2 up this week, I thought I should finish it off and post it up. This is NOT the completed story, by the way, but we are almost there. Once again, this is unedited and a little rushed, but please feel free to let me know whatContinue reading “365 CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS – DAY 7 – The Climber (PART 2)”