
Big Tree City Animation Reel

Back in 2021 I had the great honour of joining Blue Zoo as a Lead Animator on Season 1 of their IP, Big Tree City. All together, I think I animated a full 10 minutes for the series, so instead of showcasing it all, I have compiled a reel of my favourite shots and sequences.…

Wingfeather Saga S1 Animation Reel

Back in December I posted about three projects that I had been working on – Big Tree City, These Wounds Bleed Still, and The Wingfeather Saga. Well, today I am writing more specifically about Wingfeather! Before we go any further, there are minor spoilers in the video below! So before you check that out, head…

2022 Round Up!

You know that feeling when you sit in a cinema, and the film starts, and the words ‘Please be good, please be good’ run through your head on repeat? That slip of fear that what you are about to watch is going to be so underwhelming that you might literally deflate and walk out of…

FIRES – The Pitch Film Fund Finalist

It’s been a while since I have posted anything. Work has been busy; some really interesting projects have come my way, and I have had the pleasure to work with some excellent clients. But in my spare time I have been working on another project – a pitch for an animated short film, which was…

Animation Graduate Advice, Pt1.2 – Learn What They Do

Learn the Software …if you need to, anyway. Once you have found a studio you’re excited to work for, have a look at what software they use and start learning it! My first animation job used 3Ds Max. Having just completed three years learning Maya, I was dropped into a software completely alien to me.…

Animation Graduate Advice, Pt1.1 – Learn What You Want To Do

The other day, a guy got in contact on LinkedIn. He had just graduated from the same animation course that I did 12 years before and simply asked for advice about getting into the industry. A lot has changed since I graduated – most significantly the course had changed from teaching 3D animation to 2D…

Two Headed Animation

So for a few months throughout 2020, I had the privilege to work with Derek Friesenborg (Moana, Frozen, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs) on a personal project he had been working on for a while. I joined several other very talented animators to help bring the animation to life, taking a short, 15 second…

Christmas Illustrations!

Every Christmas, my wife and I meet up with a group of friends, have a big board games night in and exchange gifts! A lovely festive event that, if I am honest, I find quite stressful. The reason being that, frankly, I am pretty bad at picking gifts for people, and their gifts always seem…

A couple of Freelance Projects – 2020 retrospective

Hey guys! It’s been a while. I mean, it’s been a LONG while! I still have “Lockdown and Up Skill – Part 3” to do, and I’ve been meaning to do that for MONTHS! But today I’m gonna talk to you about a different subject – how nice it is to see freelance projects get…

Lockdown and Up Skill – Part 2

Hello Everybody! So I managed to go a head and do my second write up of the things I have learned as I have tried to Up-Skill my animation game throughout Lockdown. In the Lockdown and Up Skill Part 1, I discussed the concepts of Leading and Following body parts, Separation of body parts, and…

Lockdown and Up Skill – Part 1

Hey guys! I hope you are all doing well, especially through these unprecedented times. I really hope that you have all been able to be fruitful during lockdown, and as for me, I would like to share a couple of animation things that I have learned through this period. Before Lockdown started, I had made…

Character Reel 2020!

Wowzers, it’s been 2 years since I updated my reel – I almost can’t believe that… But here we are with a brand new reel, and I’m so excited to share it with you all! I have really learned a lot in the past 6 months, not only due to the amazing critique from Marlon…

New Year, New Career, New Website

Happy New Year, Everybody! I hope that 2020 brings you all many blessings and much joy, coz – let’s face it – it would be wrong to start a new year holding on to any negativity caused by the year just gone. The start of 2020 heralds in a large change for me. At the…

Merry Christmas! – 1 week animation challenge

So last week I had a bit of time to devote to a quick little personal project. I wanted to put something together to celebrate Christmas, but knowing that I had a relatively short amount of time to get it done, I didn’t want to get too bogged down in creating a new character. So…

Spooky Animorsels Animation! Pt3 – The Bats of Animation

… And a Page full of Gifs! Tonight I have the pleasure of revealing the final animation, for which all of this work has been building up. Three ways to watch The first way to watch is to watch as intended. Click the YouTube video below on your smartphone (or other device) and get the…

Spooky Animorsels Animation! Pt2 Character(s)!

Good Morning all! So in my last post I talked about setting the mood and the atmosphere for my Animorsels piece, This included a lot of modelling, lighting and rendering, as well as a jaunt down particle lane. I cam up with something I was really pleased with, but this scene, as a single package,…

Spooky Animorsels Animation! Pt1 – Ambiance and Setting

Hey guys! So recently I have put the finishing touches to a short animation I have been working on over the past month or so. Or at least, that is, the first 20 seconds of it. You see, the piece is entered as part of an Animorsels challenge, and they only want to see 20…

Animorsels, NaNoWriMo and some Drawings

Hey guys! So it has been a little while since I have added anything to this blog… well, let’s just say it’s not because I have been lazy. NaNoWriMo After a while focusing on spending each morning animating, I then turned my attention to a bit of writing; spending my early mornings doing some writing…

Early Morning Cartooning and Other Animation Tests

Hey guys! How’s it going? So as I think I had mentioned before, I am trying to do a bit more animation in my personal time. Now, I am sure I am not the only person who finds it difficult to spend an hour or so practising your art after a full day of work.…

Family Holiday One Page RPG

So this past week I have been on holiday with my family. It was a really great time with my parents and sister (and bro-in-law). We ate some amazing food, drank some amazing wine and saw some amazing sights. And, like all family vacations, it had it’s fare share of conflict. It’s true to say…

Quill VR Tests

A Photo from a Friend So the other day, a good friend who worked with me at Sumo sent me a photo of my old desk, empty and deserted, screens blank, wacom un-loved. It was a kind gesture, one that said ‘we miss you, dude’, a sentiment that I share. And so I sent him…

A Whole load of New and Old

Well shucks, it seems that I haven’t posted anything on here since October… and that’s because a lot of stuff has been going on. Specifically a LOT of stuff going on during the weekend bridging January and February. Unfortunately very little of this stuff is good old animation, but let’s go through it. Special Announcement…

Showreel 2018

///EDIT/// I have updated my reel, with some more recent work, please visit my Showreel Page to check it out! Hey guys! My name is Oz Durose, I am a Freelance 3D Character Animator working in Leicester, UK. Feel free to check my Animation and Showreel pages for more info. Cheers!

LOL Cinematic Animation Exercise Part 1

Morning All! So recently I have finished a short personal project; an animation based on one of Riot Game’s League of Legends Cinematics. A New Dawn was released in 2014, when I was still a young and impressionable CG generalist exploring a career as an animator. Needless to say, the animation blew my mind, and these…

Animation Sketches 08/18

Hey guys, So over the last couple of weeks I have been playing around with a couple of animation ideas and tests. Some i have brought to completion, some are just rough block-throughs that just got cast aside and forgotten about. Anyway, I thought I would upload a short compilation of these animations. I…

Sketches and Fjord

So since the last post with some pictures, I haven’t been able to do anything I said I wanted to do – which was pretty much to write and do some comic stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I still want to do some more writing, and I have a few writing workshops coming up, which…

Human Insult – Animation

After a long day of work, and an hour and a half commute home, the last thing you want to do with your evening is do more work. So I did this during my lunch breaks. Wow. It’s been a while since I have posted a new animation on here… In fact the last animation…

Paper Drawing

On May 6th, 2017, I made signed a contract between myself and a lady named Kate which stated that every thing I owned was hers, and everything she owned was mine. That she would look after me during health and the lack of it, in return that I would look after her also. That we…

DREAD at Nightham Dale

Hey guys, I have been silent for a while, but I feel it is right to give a bit of an update on a couple of things that have happened over the past few weeks. So  first I’m going to start with a game of DREAD I hosted…. DREAD It was my birthday recently, and…

Short Story – The Gambler

Hey guys, it’s been a while since I have written anything, and I know, I have to finish The Climber story, but I have been busty with other projects. One of which is the short story below – The Gambler. It is a story about death, and what could happen beyond. I have written it…


Day 6. Another short story. May have got a bit… weird… this time. But all in the name of good clean fun! 6. Eye Contact: Write about two people seeing each other for the first time. I didn’t quite stick to the brief, but was inspired by, as I had been the other days. Enjoy.…


Now this is what I’m talking about. Short story time. Sorry, but this is a little longer than both my previous attempts put together. It’s not strictly keeping to the inspiration from 365 Creative Writing Prompts, but is definitely inspired by it. Here you go… Day 3! The Vessel: Write about a ship or other vehicle…

Character Design – Spies!

Hey guys! So recently I have really enjoyed coming up with ideas for children’s animated TV series. Developing ideas, characters and narrative is something I can really sink my teeth into. Not only do I love the literary work, but as an animator and illustrator, I love designing the characters as well! Below are two…

Many Apologies… and a couple of pictures

Apologies So first I have to apologise. It has been far too long since I have worked on my webcomic Mr Think. I posted page 16 a couple of weeks ago, and I am halfway through page 17, but it has been months since I have regularly posted. I am looking forward to finishing the…

Oz and Kate Wedding – Guest Illustrations

So a number of you may have seen that in May of last year I got married! First off, I have to say it was an incredible day, not only for what it meant to my wife and I as a couple, but also because of the amount of fun everyone had on the day.…

The Irrefutable Wisdom of Mr Think Chapter 1, pages 11 to 15

Well it has been a while, but I have finally passed my 15 page milestone! woop woop! CHECK IT OUT HERE! So what can I say? What have I been working on that takes precedence over my webcomic? well, if you haven’t checked out the ‘Hope’ project I did, then go ahead! that took quite…

Questions Nov17 | Hope Adverts

Over the past three months, a small team of volunteers have been working hard to produce an evening of entertainment. Over the past two nights, this work has been presented to over 400 people in the form of videos, plays, music and discussion panels. The ‘Questions’ event is an initiative of Holy Trinity Church, Leicester,…

7 Days of Pete Spotting

This is going to seem weird, but I’m ok with that. Today I photoshopped my friend’s face onto every character on the Thor: Ragnarok movie poster. ok, let me back up a little bit. A few months ago someone at our church needed to borrow an inflatable bed. My wife and I could help her…


Sorry it’s taken so long – it’s been a while since I started this piece, but I’m happy with it now! But this here is tribute to one of the wisest, most down-to-earth and likeable characters in the whole thing! Kerrek as played by Patrick Rothfuss. Love this character! you can probably tell that my…

The Irrefutable Wisdom of Mr Think Chapter 1, pages 6 to 10

Hey hey, you lucky people! SO I have finally finished the 10th page of Mr Think, and have started on pages 11-15. This has been really good fun and I think that I have another 10 pages before the end of the chapter. I have a couple of great ideas for the next chapter and…

The Irrefutable Wisdom of Mr Think Chapter 1, pages 1 to 5

Well well, you lucky lucky people! The first five pages of my new Webcomic are up. Click the image above to check them out! About Mr Think “Mr Think. Always happy to think when you don’t want to!” Do you have an unsolvable problem? Do you have a puzzle that is halting your progress? Are…

Kikrill and Athnox

Soo… maybe a bit of an explanation is in order here… I have a couple of friends at work who are into the whole boardgame and RPG sort of thing. Their names are not Kikrill or Athnox, but pretty damn close! Anyway, I had this idea for a short story a little while ago about…

Hammer And Nail

Hey guys, I wanted to try something out that resembled a Hearthstone or Magic art style. This was the result. It was fun working with some more dynamic poses, but I think I may have gone a bit over the top on the magic FX. I thought this was a really fun exercise in lighting…

Painting Study – Aurora Battle by Clint Cearley

hey guys, so as I want to become a better artist, I decided to spend my Saturday studying a painting in the style I wish to develop, and here is the result! FOR THIS REASON I MUST STRESS THAT THE COMPOSITION AND DESIGN OF THIS PIECE IS COPIED, AND SO THOUGH THIS IS MY VERSION…


Having done this picture of Laura Bailey’s Vex’ahlia, I thought it would be good to do a proper portrait of her, in the same way that I have done the rest of ‘Vox Machina’. She is the last of the party I feel obliged to do to complete the set, but I think I may…


A very stylised Critical Role portrait of one of my favourite character – Travis Willingham’s character Grog Strongjaw. This one has taken me a little time, but I’m very happy with how it has turned out! Check the WIP gif below!


Ok, so a little more stylised than the last one, but this is the latest painting in my Critical Role Portraits series (I’m calling it that now!) Today’s portrait is of Ashley Johnson as Pike Trickfoot, a Gnome Cleric.   Below is the WIP gif to show most of the different stages from reference to…


Ok…. so I might have gone a little more realistic than I usually do here… but that’s fine. Maybe the next one might be a bit more stylised (I’m imagining Travis Willingham’s character Grog to be a bit more stylised, anyway). This here is Liam O’Brien’s character, Vax’ildan, the Rogue. I don’t think I could…

Commission – Simon

So an old friend of mine got in contact – this guy is a legend, someone I used to be in a punk band with when I was at college (Too Far Forward – we were amazing!). So he told me that he was moving into a place with his partner, and wanted me to…


Hey guys, So back in May I posted the OZ AND KATE WEDDING ANIMATION – MODELLING! blog, looking at the design principles used when creating the characters and artwork for my wedding. Today I have the follow-up post, showing off the Rig I had created for the characters, but the best way to do this was by…


So it’s taken me a couple of days to paint this Critical Role portrait of Keyleth, played by Marisha Ray. It’s quite polished, and a little too clean maybe, but I am happy with it non the less. Below is a quick development gif, showing the piece at different stages.


Another portrait paint of a character from Critical Role, this time it’s Percival played by Taliesin Jaffe. I get the feeling I’m going to do a series of these, just trying to better my portrait painting skills.

Vex’ahlia DP WIP

So I thought I would put up a couple of pictures to show the process I used to create the Vex’ahlia painting. Originally I was just looking to create an image using a dynamic pose. Rather than trying to imagine one (and possibly throw the entire painting out of whack), I searched until I found…

Vex’ahlia Digital Painting

Hey guys, so this week I have been spending quite some time practising some digital painting techniques. I have been watching a lot of Kienan Lafferty’s tutorials on youtube, and, well, this guy is amazing! So I have wanted to try out a bit of a dynamic pose, and I found a cool reference photo…

New Illustrations! Joanna and Lion-o

So recently I have been watching through a number of cool tutorials. This has all come about through a boredom of spending an hour a day on a train, and looking to invest in a piece of kit that would allow me to utilise that time nicely. So going through these tutorials, I have created…

Welcome to!

Welcome to, the online internet home of Oz Durose! This is where I will be posting a multitude of my Animation, Writing and Illustration work. If you would like to see my Character Animation Showreel, click the link! If you would like to show some appreciation, Buy Me A Coffee! Please feel free to peruse…


This week’s story is going to be split into more than just one part. This is Part One. The writing prompt was 9. Animals: Choose an animal. Write about it! so I did. It got a bit deep, so sorry for that. Here is the first part, once again I have to stress that this is unedited…


Hey guys, so a quick update on yesterday’s Creative Writing Prompt. So basically I have had an idea of making a fantasy children’s story, written and illustrated by myself. Yesterday’s prompt inspired something that would fit into it quite nicely, but it isn’t quite finished yet. I get the feeling that I will be re-working…

365 CREATIVE WRITING PROMPTS – DAY 4 – The Stone of Light.

Day 4. Another short story. This one, however, was something I have been playing around with for a little while, I just needed an excuse to jot it down. Todays 365 Creative Writing Prompt was: 4. Dancing: Who’s dancing and why are they tapping those toes? It takes me a little while, but I get there…

365 Creative Writing Prompts – Day 2

So… Day 2, and something quite different. Here is the prompt from 365 Creative Writing Prompts: 2. The Unrequited love poem: How do you feel when you love someone who does not love you back? I wanted to challenge myself on this one. Dialogue is not my strong point. Monologues and descriptive writing is where I…

Oz and Kate Wedding Animation – Modelling!

Hey guys, For the first time I am writing something that I hope non of my friends or family will see, not till next year, anyway. If you are a friend of family member reading this Pre-Wedding, either stop reading NOW, or DON’T TELL ANYONE! In 363 days, I will be getting married to a…

365 Creative Writing Prompts – Day 1

So it is true that if you want to become a better writer, you need to practice every single day. So recently I have been in a bit of a lull as far as creativity is concerned. I have ideas in my head, but it has been a little while since I have actually picked…