Quill VR Tests

A Photo from a Friend So the other day, a good friend who worked with me at Sumo sent me a photo of my old desk, empty and deserted, screens blank, wacom un-loved. It was a kind gesture, one that said ‘we miss you, dude’, a sentiment that I share. And so I sent himContinue reading “Quill VR Tests”

A Whole load of New and Old

Well shucks, it seems that I haven’t posted anything on here since October… and that’s because a lot of stuff has been going on. Specifically a LOT of stuff going on during the weekend bridging January and February. Unfortunately very little of this stuff is good old animation, but let’s go through it. Special AnnouncementContinue reading “A Whole load of New and Old”


Hey Guys! So I still have a load of free time at work, and as such I have been able to continue expanding my own skills as an animator. After learning a lot from the League of Legends exercise I completed a few weeks ago, I decided to do a couple of shorter animations toContinue reading “ANIMATION SKETCHES 09/18”

LOL Cinematic Animation Exercise Part 3

Evening All! If you haven’t checked out Part One or Two of this write up, go ahead! They talk about the initial animation process and how I got the my works from Maya into Unreal Engine. This part is all about polishing up the animation to create the final piece below. The Internet So IContinue reading “LOL Cinematic Animation Exercise Part 3”

LOL Cinematic Animation Exercise Part 2

Afternoon All! If you haven’t checked out Part One of this write up, go ahead! It will tell you a couple of things about the animation process and how I created the motion. This post is going to be all about the Unreal Engine, and the joys of making this piece look cool! This allContinue reading “LOL Cinematic Animation Exercise Part 2”

LOL Cinematic Animation Exercise Part 1

Morning All! So recently I have finished a short personal project; an animation based on one of Riot Game’s League of Legends Cinematics. A New Dawn was released in 2014, when I was still a young and impressionable CG generalist exploring a career as an animator. Needless to say, the animation blew my mind, and theseContinue reading “LOL Cinematic Animation Exercise Part 1”

Animation Sketches 08/18

Hey guys, So over the last couple of weeks I have been playing around with a couple of animation ideas and tests. Some i have brought to completion, some are just rough block-throughs that just got cast aside and forgotten about. Anyway, I thought I would upload a short compilation of these animations. I hopeContinue reading “Animation Sketches 08/18”

Sketches and Fjord

So since the last post with some pictures, I haven’t been able to do anything I said I wanted to do – which was pretty much to write and do some comic stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I still want to do some more writing, and I have a few writing workshops coming up, whichContinue reading “Sketches and Fjord”

Human Insult – Animation

After a long day of work, and an hour and a half commute home, the last thing you want to do with your evening is do more work. So I did this during my lunch breaks. Wow. It’s been a while since I have posted a new animation on here… In fact the last animationContinue reading “Human Insult – Animation”